Taking place in Kadir Has University in 2017, September 8-10, this workshop is a critical step to launch a platform for media ethnographers of Turkey. Generously funded by the Wenner Gren Foundation, the workshop brings a select group of media ethnographers working in Turkey in order to develop channels of conversation to define, refine, and expand the tools of anthropological knowledge on media. For three days, sixteen invited media ethnographers would engage in discussions on ethnography as both a methodological endeavour and a theoretical outlook in studying the social and cultural processes of media. Although the majority of these scholars focus their work on Turkey, a number of contributors whose primary ethnographic areas are different than Turkey (such as India and the USA) would offer comparative perspectives to enrich the discussions. The anthropological discourse that flourishes in and through the workshop would result in concrete outcomes, such as a collected volume.

Workshop Participants
- Omar Al Ghazzi
- Feyza Akınerdem
- Ozan Aşık
- Mutlu Binark
- Ergin Bulut
- Josh Carney
- Elisabetta Costa
- Zeynep Devrim Gürsel
- Chris Kelty
- Suncem Koçer
- Burak Özçetin
- John Postill
- Kevin Smets
- Sahana Udupa
- Halide Velioğlu
- Çağrı Yalkın